Saturday, March 1, 2014

Solved ISC 2013 Computer Science Paper

Only computer programming related question and answers are posted here.

Question 2.
      a)    Differentiate between throw and throws with respect to exception handling. [ 2 ]
Ans: throw clause is used to throw manually created exception to the caller of the function and throws clause throws the java created exception to the caller of the function.

b) Convert the following infix notation to its postfix form:
E*(F / (G-H) * I) + J [ 2 ]

Ans: E F G H - /I * *  J +

Write the algorithm for push operation (to add elements ) in an array based stack.
[ 2 ]

Name the file stream classes to :

Write data to a file in binary form.
[ 2 ]

Read data from a file in text form.

e)       A square matrix M[][] of size 10 is stored in the memory with each element requiring 4 bytes of storage. If the base address at M[0][0] is 1840, determine the address at M[4][8] when

the matrix is stored in row major wise.                                                                          [ 2 ]

Question 3.

a)      The following function Recur() is a part of some class. What will be the output of the function Recur() when the value of n is equal to 10. Show the dry run/working.

public void Recur(int n)

System.out.print(n+" "); if(n%2!=0)
n=3*n+1; System.out.print(n+" ");



b)      The following function is a part of some class. Assume n is a positive integer. Answer the given questions along with dry run / working.

int unknown(int n)

int i,k; if(n%2==0)
k=n; n--; i=n/2;

k=k*i*n; i--;
return k;

Section B

Answer any 2 questions.
Each program should be written in such a way that it clearly depicts the logic of the problem. This can be achieved by using mnemonic names and comments in the program.

Question 8.

An emirp number is a number which is prime backwards and forwards. Example: 13 and 31 are both prime numbers. Thus 13 is an emirp number.
Design a class Emirp to check if a given number is Emirp number or nt. Some of the members of the class are given below:

Class Name

Data Members

stores the number

stores the reverse of the number

stores the divisor

Member functions

Emirp(int nn)
to assign n=nn, rev=0, and f=2

int isprime(int x)
check if the number is prime using the


technique and return 1 if prime otherwise

return 0.

void isEmirp()
reverse the given number and check if both


original number ad the reverse number are

prime, by invoking the function isprime(int)

and display the result with an appropriate



Specify the class Emirp giving details of the constructor(int), int isprime(int) and void isEmirp(). Define the main function to create an object and call the methods to check for Emirp number.
[ 10]

Question 9.

Design a class Exchange to accept a sentence and interchange the first alphabet with the last alphabet for each word in the sentence, with single letter word remaining unchanged. The words in the input are separated by a single blank space and terminated by a full stop.
It is a warm day.

tI si a marw yad

Some of the data members and member functions are given below:
Class Name

Data members


stores the sentence

to store the new sentence

stores the length of the sentence
Member functions


default constructor
void readsentence()
to accept the sentence
void exfirstlast()
extract each word and interchange the first and last

alphabet of the word and form a new sentence.
void display()

display the original sentence along with the new

changed sentence.

Specify the class Exchange giving details of the constructor(), void readsentence(), void exfirstlast() and void display(). Define the main() function to create an object and call the functions accordingly to enable the task.
[ 10]

Question 10.

A class Matrix contains a two dimensional integer array of order [ m x n ]. The maximum value possible for both m and n is 25. Design a class Matrix to find the difference of the two matrices. The details of the members of the class are given below:

Class name

Data members

stores the matrix element

integer to store the number of rows

integer to store the number of columns

Member functions:

Matrix(int mm, int nn)
to initialize the size of the matrix m=mm



void fillarray()
to enter the elements of the matrix

Matrix SubMat(Matrix A)
subtract the current object from the matrix



parameterized object and return the

resulting object.
void display()                                        :                       display the matrix elements.

Specify the class Matrix giving details of the constructor(int,int), void fillarray(),Matrix SubMat(Matrix) and void display(). Define the main() function to create an object and call the functions accordingly to enable the task.

[ 10]

Section C Answer any 2 questions.

Each program/algorithm should be written in such a way that it clearly depicts the logic of the problem step wise. This can also be achieved by using comment in the program and mnemonic names or pseudo codes for algorithms.

(Flowcharts are not required)
The programs must be written in Java.
The algorithm must be written in general standard form wherever required/specified.

Question 11.

A super class Perimeter has been defined to calculate the perimeter of a parallelogram. Define a sub class Area to compute the area of the parallelogram by using the required data members of the super class. The details are given below:

Class name

Data Members

to store the length in decimal

to store the breadth in decimal

Member functions:

parameterized constructor to assign values to data


double Calculate()
calculate and return the perimeter of a

parallelogram as

2 *(length +breadth)

void show()
to display the data members along with the


of the parallelogram.

Class name
Data Members

to store the height in decimal
to store the area of the parallologram
Member functions:

parameterized constructor to assign values to data

Members of both classes.
void doarea()
computes the area( breadth * height).


void show()
to display the data members of both the classes


with the area and perimeter of the parallelogram.

Specify the class Perimeter giving details of the constructor(…), double Calculate() and void show(). Using the concept of inheritance, specify the class Area giving details of he constructor(…), void doarea() and void show(). The main function and algorithm need not be written.

[ 10 ]

Question 12.

A doubly queue is a linear data structure which enables the user to add and remove integers from either ends, i.e. from front or rear. Define a class Dequeue with the following details:

Class name

Data members

array to hold upto 100 integer elements

stores the limit of the dequeue

to point to the index of front end

to point to the index of rear end

Member function

Dequeue(int l)
constructor to initialise the data members lim=l;


void addfront(int val)
to add integer from the front if possible else display


message (“Overflow from front”)

void addrear(int val)
to add integer from the rear if possible else display


message (“Overflow from rear”)

int popfront()
returns element from front, if possible otherwise

returns -9999.

int poprear()
returns element from rear, if possible otherwise

returns -9999.

Specify class Dequeue giving details of the constructor(), void addfront(int), void addrear(int), int popfront(), and int poprear().
The main function and algorithm need not be written.
[ 10 ]

Question 13.

a)      A linked list is formed from the objects of the class, class Node
int item; Node next;



Write an algorithm or a method to count the numbr of nodes in the linked list. The method

declaration is given below:
[ 4 ]

int count(Node ptr_start)

What is the worst case complexity f the following code segment:


for(int p=0; p


for(int q=0;q


Sequence of statements



for(int r=0;r


Sequence of statements

[ 2 ]

ii) How would the complexity change if all the loops went up to the same limit N?

Answer the following questions from the diagram of the binary tree given below:

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