Monday, February 1, 2010

While loop in c programming language

While loop is also an entry controlled type loop in c language.  It’s working style is same as the for loop. The difference is that the three expressions (initialization, conditional and reinitialisation) are not kept in a same place like for loop. They are placed in different positions. The sequence of execution followed by a while loop is same as for loop.

The syntax of while loop is:

While (test expression)
Body of the loop.
Within the loop body the loop control
variable is to be reinitialized. Initialization
will be done somewhere above the control

No semicolon after the while statement. Like for loop the control statement and the body of the loop makes one statement. In the following exercise we will see how a while loop works.

#include < stdio.h >
void main ()
int x=9,i=0;
/*x' is the loop control variable and it is initialized here*/
clrscr ();
while (x! =0) /*test expression*/
printf ("Enter any integer value ('0' for exit):");
scanf ("%d", &x);
/*Reinitialisation of 'x'*/
printf ("You have entered: %d", i-1);
printf (" values before breaking the loop");
getch ();

How many times the loop body will be executed depends on the user, the program does not decide it.

#include < stdio.h >
void main ()
char x;
int i=0;
clrscr ();
printf ("Do you want to see my name on screen (y/n)\n");
scanf ("%c", &x);
while (x=='y')
printf ("My name is ***********\n");
fflush (stdin);
printf ("Do you want to see my name again on the screen (y/n)\n");
scanf ("%c", &x);
if (i > 1)
printf ("So weak memory! took %d times to memorize my name", i);
getch ();

Any Question ? Put Your comments


  1. fflush() is a function in stdio.h header file and it is used in turbo c++ editor to flush out the string or character value stored in the standard input stream i,e stdin

  2. i=1;


  3. Is it 1 or 0?
    You have used an infinite loop and the loop is of empty body as semicolon is placed after the control statement so the statement 'println("%d",i);' is not within the loop body. Now, 'i' increases and ultimately it reached the maximum int range limit 32767, then it comes to -32768 and again starts increment by 1 until it reaches '0' which means false and the loop body breaks. so the output will be 0.


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