Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Last minute suggestions on computer application guess questions for ICSE 2013 students

Like every year, this year also this site wishes best of luck to all ICSE 2013 students. Students who are following my site are expected to score better marks in ICSE 2013 Computer examination. In this post, I am trying to point out some guess questions in the forthcoming examination and few suggestions.

Theory part in ICSE 2013 Computer Application

Please go through the following topics and I think this would help you in 2013 ICSE Computer Application paper.

What is Object Oriented Programming

 What is object in Object Oriented Programming

 What is Class in Object Oriented Programming

What is Constructor

What is Encapsulation in BlueJ

Name any two library packages of java .

  What is meant by a user defined data type?

Give an example of syntax error

  What is the scope of the keyword protected in accessing functions?

 What is a parameterized constructor?

 What is the use of static in the main function?

Arithmetic Assignment Operator in BlueJ

Increment and Decrement Operators in Java

Pre conditions of binary search

Show the use of logical operator && with an example.
Explain the term – “pass by reference”.

Differentiate between indexOf() and valueOf() functions.

Several functions of String class.

Difference between equals () function and == operator.

Break and Continue in BlueJ

Comparison Among Different Loops

while and do-while

while and for

Syntax of Different Decision Making Statements

Differentiate between isUpperCase() and toUpperCase() function.

Advantages of Exception handling.

What is a “fall through” situation in switch case statement.

Write any two rules for naming varible declaration.

Write down the difference between prefix and postfix operators.

Conditional operator.

What is meant by polymorphism? Give an example.

State difference between call-by-value and call-by-reference.

Write any two differences in Implicit Type Casting and  Explicit Type Casting.

What is a function?

Can there be objects without having any functions?

Why are functions so important for the description of objects?

What is an abstraction?

Can there be multiple abstractions of a real world entity

How are classes and abstraction linked?

What is an object factory?

Use of static keyword in bluej programs

Use of static in variable

What is static method or function

Function calling techniques-Call be reference and call by value in BlueJ

Use of break statement in BlueJ Programs

Use of Scanner class in BlueJ programs

What is private and public specifier in Java?

Difference between ‘==’ and equals ()’.

Compare switch with else-if ladder.

Define ‘substring ()’ and ‘charAt()’ function.

Comparision between break and continue

Use of ‘this’ keyword.

What do you mean by data encapsulation and polymorphism in Java?

Name the package you need to import  for using Scanner class object.

State the difference between while and do-while loop

State the difference between constructor and function

Explain any two type of access specifiers

What are the preconditions of binary search?

What is the role of void keyword in declaration of a function

What is package, give example.

Explain function overloading with example

What is exit control loop? Give example

What is recursive function, give example

So far as programs are concerned, one program on else if ladder ( either tax calculation, discount calculation or bill calculation) is confirmed. Programs on different numbers like perfect number, prime number etc can be expected. In every year ICSE Computer Application paper, one or two programs are found where the questions are very lengthy but the programs are normally very simple. My advice is to read the question carefully and the solution will be very easy.


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