Wednesday, February 12, 2014

About ISC Computer Practical – writing the program and Viva Voce Questions

ISC students get three programs in their computer practical and they have to answer only one. Fiirstly they have to write the program on their copy along with algorithm and variable descriptions. Once they have completed their writing job, they cannot modify their copy anymore.

The next step of the practical examination is that they will edit the program on BlueJ editor following their copy. It may happen that the program may show many errors – compile time or run time. There may be logical error also. Don’t worry, rectify the program on computer but don’t try to rectify in your copy. Certain percentage of deviation between the program on your copy and computer is permitted.

Atleast one program of ISC computer practical is based on String class. In viva, details about different String class methods (which are used in your program) are asked by the external examiner. Return type of the methods, other overloaded versions of the methods may be asked. In your program there may be ‘throws’ clause. The examiner may ask the meaning of throws – what actually it throws and to whom. The examiner may ask in viva about Exception handling.

Difference between bubble sort and selection sort is a common question in ISC computer practical examination viva. My observation is that most of the students do not use ‘break’ in bubble sort (I am also an external examiner of a school for last 4-5 years). Students should know the utility of ‘break’ statement in bubble sort.

If there is any program where StringTokenizer class is used, in viva the examiner may ask about the other overloaded version of constructors of the class.

BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; - questions may come from the above statement. What is What is the need of creating object of InputStreamReader by using the statement new InputStreamReader? Who carries the terminal input towards program in the above statement?

Regarding Exception handling - what is the difference between throws and try...catch.

Use of valueOf () function of String class and toString () function of Object class.

valueOf () is a static function of String class which converts any type of non string value into String object.
toString () is a function of Object which is automatically called by java compiler when any non string value is passed as argument in print () and println() function. This function also converts the non string value into string value. Example:
Suppose value of 'a' is 5. The function toString () will be called automatically and numeric 5 will be converted into "5". Here '+' operator concatenates the strings "Value=" and "5" into "Value=5".

Describe each terms of System.out.println() a class of java.lang package. 'out' is the object of PrintWriter class of package which is a static data member of System class and println () is the function of PrintWriter class.

Example of operator overloading in java

print () and println () functions displays only string values. In the statement System.out.println("Value="+a), addition between a string value and an numeric value is not possible. toString () function of Object class converts the numeric value into string value and then '+' operator concatenates the string values into one string value. This is an example of operator overloading.

I wish Best of luck to all students appearing in computer practical examination on 20th February 2014.


  1. Sir, could you please tell the most expected types of practical programs for this year ;at least the important string type programs ??? & to what extent is deviation from the written program permitted without penalty ??

    1. You can expect String manipulation programs. 10-15% deviation is permitted. is very common

    2. can u give an example of such a question please ??

    3. Missing semicolons, Unequal opening and closing braces, spelling mistakes in class or function names (predefined) etc. Logical error will result in marks deduction.

  2. Sir,could you list a few viva voice questions expected for computer practicals

    1. Why String class is called immutable class?
      What are the different versions of constructor in String class?
      What do you mean by function prototype?

  3. & will the examiner only ask questions related to my program or he/she may ask anything ??

    1. Questions will be only related to your program.

  4. sir could you help me with the program on sorting all words in a string array in ascending order of their frequency and display them(without using string tokenizer) e.g - if an array a[]={"to","be","or","not","to","be"} then output will be -

    apart frm this could u please give an example about writing the algorithm of any practical program....i want to know as to how the algorithm should be written to get marks.....
    And sir, please lastly could u post the suggestions for this years' practical programs.....PPLLLeeaasssee sir...i am getting very tensed about the practical programs !!!!

    1. You can use indexOf () and substring () methods of String class to break the sentence in words and then count the frequency. Search this blog site, you will get the program.

    2. Follow this program:

      If your problem is not solved, inform me and I will post the program.

  5. what type of errors(deviations) will not result in loss of marks

  6. Sir, what should be the ideal answers to these questions:
    Name 2 classes in
    Name 2 classes in java.util ?

  7. Sir,
    I have made a minor change in swapping in bubble sort in my ISC practical.
    How much marks are going to be deducted

    1. If the output is correct, you will get full marks otherwise 1-2 marks will be deducted

  8. Will a minor deviation in swapping result in loss of marks Sir ??


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