Thursday, October 20, 2011

Expected programs in 2012 ISC Computer practical examination

ISC students will get three programs in the question paper and they have to solve only one program. Let’s try to guess which type of programs are expected in 2012.

If we look back previous years Computer practical question papers in ISC examination,  it is clear that one program from string can be expected.  ISC computer practical on 2005 had two programs on String class. One string program involves removal of extra blank spaces from a sentence, extracting the words from the sentence and sorting the words. The second string class program was on all possible anagrams of a word.  The third program was on 2 d numeric array.

In the question paper of ISC Computer practical 2006, one program was to take names of people in to different arrays and merging the arrays to a single array in accending order. There was a condition while taking names in the string arrays, the names should be unique. So this program involves both sorting and searching. The second program was also on string and the third program was to take a positive natural number and prints the possible consecutive number combinations. So, again we find that programs on string class were in the question paper.

2007 ISC computer practical paper had a program on accepting date in in the string format dd/mm/yyyy and name of the day on 1st of January of the corresponding year. The program shows the day for the given date. Second program was again on extracting words from a sentence and printing the words in reverse order while the third program was on printing unique digit numbers.

In 2010, two programs were on numeric calculations while third one was again on string class. The string program involves counting number of words, extraction of words from a sentence, etc.

Last year, that is in 2011 ISC computer practicalexamination, one program was on numeric one dimensional array (To check whether the date entered is valid or not and to find the day number of the year). This program was comparatively an easy one. Second program was to display a n entered number in words and the third one was on Encryption of string.

Students can expect at least one program on string in 2012 ISC computer practical examination. From the previous year computer practical question papers it is found that string class programs mainly involves the string class functions like ‘indexOf()’, ‘substring()’, ‘charAt()’. It is better to go through all the string functions and StringTokenizer class properly. 

For 2012 ISC computer practical examination, students should pay attention on programs like Displaying name in short form, binary additionprogram on decoding encoded string.


  1. Thank you so much for this valuable information.

  2. sir plz inform regarding the latest information in expected isc practical questions. as we are getting to hear tat anything regarding patterns might come.

    1. Since last few years, programs on pattern were not set in ISC paper. May be this year you will get questions on pattern.

  3. What type of questions may be asked in the 20 marks alloted to viva-voice?


  5. excluding the questions on the program wat type of questions are asked in the viva?

    1. Program related so many questions can be asked by the examiner like why you have used a specific function, if the program is on sorting then different types of sorting technique with merits and limitations. For terminal input using BufferedReader, why throws statement is used, what is the benefit of using try...catch etc.

  6. Sir
    your site has given be tremendous help in computer class. Keep doing the good work......

  7. sir wats da use of throws in BUfferedReader?

    1. throws clause is used for the 'readLine ()' function of BufferedReader class. The above function is predefined and it may throw IOException class object.

  8. sir you have no idea how much you have helped me in clearing my concepts. much indebted to you!


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